
Audit services in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India

DANP Tax Services is the most demanded secretarial audit services in Ahmedabad. Every business field is highly competitive today, and the situation demands every business entity to comply with a number of laws, rules and regulations peer review accounting firms in Ahmedabad. We provide efficient audit and assurance services in Ahmadabad, Gujarat in all kind of businesses. Our service is very significant and vital for all our clients to maintain investor confidence and bring about valuable insights to progress their business in the right direction.

The service of the best TAX Services firm for due diligence audit firm in Ahmedabad, Gujarat is necessary not only to comply with all the regulatory requirements but also to identify, manage and minimize risks. We assist our clients in planning budgetary, legal and accounting audits. Are you looking for an audit of partnership firm in Ahmadabad? We are an audit firm that tries to understand your business from all angles and provide cost-effective and efficient auditing services. We enjoy a unique reputation among the auditor firms in Ahmedabad, Gujarat due to our all-round experience and immense knowledge in auditing.

We are an expert team of compliance auditing services in Ahmedabad. We are fully familiar with all type of problems entrepreneurs face today apart from issues related to filings, auditing and annual compliance. We are also one of the leading audit firms in Ahmedabad and wholeheartedly work towards your business excellence. We ensure professional work, transparency in all the technologies installed and standard working methods which will lead to reliable audits fully complying with the regulatory requirements.

The term ‘Secretarial Audit’ is explained in detail by recently enacted Companies Act, 2013. Secretarial Audit is a process to check compliances made by the Company under Corporate Law & other laws, rules, regulations, procedures etc. It helps to monitor compliance with the requirements of stated laws and processes. Periodic and regular examination of work is mandatory to point out errors & mistakes and to make all the systems in an organization work smoothly.

Every company needs to follow many Laws, rules, regulations. These laws are complex and difficult to understand by any common or normal person. But the problem is that non-compliances of the laws would be a major risk to company. Regularly inspecting the records of company gives exact information whether, and if so, to what extent Company has followed the laws applicable to it.

Secretarial Audit Services relieves the regulators, stakeholders and management that company from understanding the rules and regulation first and then to implement it as per the law. This helps management to concentrate towards improving effectiveness of the organization.

Under section 204 of the Companies Act, 2013 following companies are required to obtain ‘Secretarial Audit Report’ form independent practicing company secretary or by any Secretarial Audit Service provider.

  • Every listed company
  • Every public company having a paid-up share capital of 50 Cr. or more
  • Every public company having a turnover of 250 Cr. or more

When we talk about turnover we mean the total value of the realization of amount made from the sale, supply or distribution of goods or on account of services rendered, or both, by the company during a financial year.

Secretarial Audit reporting is also mandatory for a private company which is a subsidiary of a public company, and which falls under the prescribed class of companies. A secretarial auditor has to check compliances by the company under the following laws and rules:

  • The Companies Act, 2013
  • The Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act
  • The Depositories Act, 1996
  • Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999
  • Secretarial Standards issued by The Institute of Company Secretaries of India
  • The Listing Agreements entered into by the Company with Stock Exchange
  • Other laws as may be applicable specifically to the company

Other laws as may be applicable specifically to the company
Thus the scope of Secretarial audit is not limited to the corporate laws applicable to company but it extent to all laws applicable to Company. For a person who is basically a businessman it is difficult for him to study all the laws and prepare a report and act as per the rules and regulations mentioned in the Acts above.

There are many Secretarial Audit Services in Ahmedabad which can free you from all the compliance related issues faced by any organization. Secretarial Audit Services in Ahmedabad gives services not only in Ahmedabad but also gives Secretarial Audit Services in whole of Gujarat. As Gujarat is an industrial hub requirement of Secretarial Audit Services is always there and as there is demand supply of Secretarial Audit Services is there in whole of Gujarat.

There are also many Secretarial audit services in Gujarat who are expert, efficient for filing Annual Mandatory Compliances (AMCs) of the Listed Companies located and active anywhere in entire India, and belonging to Indian or Foreign Nationals.

Further talking about “Listed Company”, it is the public limited company with its securities duly listed on any recognized Stock Exchange. Hence, the annual and periodic Secretarial compliances to be made by a listed company of India fall under both the Companies Act of 2013 and the SEBI Regulations of 2015.

The periodic and annual Secretarial compliances for listed companies to be made by a listed public limited company are:

  • Compliances with Registrar of Companies
  • Tax related compliances with Tax Departments
  • Compliances related with Internal and External company Management and Governance
  • Compliances under the Listing Regulations 2015 of SEBI and Secretarial Standards I & II
  • Compliances under all concerned legal Acts and Statutes, such as the Labor and Employment Law, Corporate and Commercial Laws, Pollution Control Act, etc.
  • And, various Event-based Compliances

It is very difficult to remain updated with the information that changes from time to time. But Secretarial Audit services providers are timely updated as it is their job and let you know the refinements to be made while filing compliances.

Secretarial Audit Report Services will explain how every company needs to comply with hundreds of Laws, rules, regulations. This is also very professional due to their experience of working with big companies.


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